New wet room helps meet needs of teenager living with cerebral palsy
“He’s very good at letting us know what he wants and what he likes! And Joshua really loves his shower room.”
Seventeen-year-old Joshua, who loves his food and going to live music events, lives with his parents Anita and Pete at their home in Hartford, Cheshire.
Having been diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a young child, Joshua is also deaf and blind, and receives round-the-clock care and support.
The family used to have a bath, but as Joshua got older, it became increasingly dangerous for him to get into it to wash. They had a shower installed a few years ago, but the work had not been carried out correctly and didn’t suit Joshua’s needs.
Support from HomeKey+
The family got in touch with Cheshire West and Chester Council to see what they could do and were put in touch with HomeKey+, their local Home Improvement Agency.
HomeKey+ is Cheshire West & Chester Council’s Home Improvement Agency delivered in partnership with ForHousing that helps families make the changes to their homes that result in a better quality of life.
HomeKey+ worked with them and carried out the Occupational Therapist’s recommendation of creating a walk-in shower room on the ground floor of the house and tiling all the walls.
Providing step-by-step support, HomeKey+ helped Joshua’s family to first secure a Disabilities Facilities Grant for the work on their home. The family was then supported to find the right contractor to complete the refit, which got underway at the end of 2022. HomeKey+ oversaw the work through to completion to ensure budgets, timescales and most importantly Joshua’s needs were met.
Peace of mind
For Joshua, the new wet room has really improved his quality of life, while his parents now have peace of mind about their son’s safety.
Joshua’s mum Anita said: “Although Joshua can’t talk, he’s very good at letting us know what he wants and what he likes! And Joshua really loves his shower room – he could stay in there for hours!”
“I would definitely recommend HomeKey+ to other families needing changes to their homes. The shower room has made such a huge difference to us.”
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